Donnelly Requests Residents Contact Governor re: “2012 Top Ten Worst Bills”

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly

Posted 9/7/12 – In a letter to constituents today titled “Call to Arms: It is Up to Us Now”, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly had this to say regarding the final week of the legislative session:

In the last 5 days of session the Legislature passed over 550 new laws, none of which we need. It is amazing how much damage can be done in under one week.

While the Legislature is intended to be a deliberative body, openly vetting potential laws, the last week showed that some in the Legislature think it is more important to pass bills than to evaluate them in a public forum. Whenever I or my colleagues – your representatives – began to debate a new law during the week, we were quickly shut down and told we had too many new laws to “dispense with” to spend time considering them. The message sent was that we did not have time to discuss, much less certainly receive input from you in the race to impose a mound of new laws.

In the end, the Legislature turned the State into a true nanny-state that does not trust us with our own children. And, although a secure voting system is critical to the preservation of a free republic, our election process was severely compromised. It is baffling how far the Legislature can go in one week. Now, it is up to us to undo the damage.

The Governor has until September 30th to veto these liberty-killing measures. I encourage each of you to join with the thousands of other Californians who are demanding the Governor to veto these awful bills.

Below, I have compiled a list below of the 10 worst bills of the year. You can reach the Governor and voice your opinion by calling (916) 445-2841.

“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance” – Attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Thank you for your vigilance.

Donnelly’s List of the “2012 Top Ten Worst Bills”

Call the Governor ASAP and urge him to veto the worst bills of 2012!
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

1. AB 1081-Turns California into a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants by prohibiting law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities

2.AB 2189– Grants California driver’s licenses – gateway identification – to illegal immigrants

3.SB 901– Allows illegal immigrants to pay income taxes in California in exchange for not being deported, thus legalizing employment of illegal immigrants while we still have a nearly 11% unemployment rate

4.AB 1532– Establishes the framework for Cap and Trade funding, taking another step toward imposing this tax on California businesses

5. AB 1527- Violates the second amendment by banning the open carry of unloaded long arm guns

6.AB 1436– Allows individuals to register to vote on Election Day, ensuring that no one can check eligibility before the person votes

7.AB 216 – Disallows deceased persons’ names from being purged from the voter rolls to ensure no one ineligible to vote uses their name

8.AB 2109– Requires Parents to receive a state licensed doctor’s signature before they can opt their children out of vaccinations, thus putting a parent’s decision in the hands of the state

9.SB 1221– Bans the use of hounds when hunting bears and bobcats, although the State will continue to use this practice for bear population control. This is the height of government hypocrisy

10. AB 1492– Increases taxes on lumber products, furthering the decline of construction and manufacturing in our State