Author to Address SM Rotary Club

Press Release posted 3/5/13 – Steven Fink often has been called the Dean of Crisis Management for his pioneering work in the field. His seminal work on the subject, Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable, still the most successful and widely-read book on crisis management ever published, not only explains how to manage a crisis when one occurs, but was the first book to introduce proactive crisis management strategies designed to help businesses forecast and avert crises altogether.

As important as it is to properly manage a crisis, it is equally as important to engage in proactive and reactive crisis communications — informing all of your key constituents what is going on, and what you are doing to make it right.

Mr. Fink will be speaking about his latest book, The Definitive Guide to Managing the Message at Rotary Tuesday March 12 at the Park Hart House, 222 W. Sierra Madre Bl, Sierra Madre at 7:15 to 8:30 am. First time guests have breakfast on the club.