Photo taken at Magnolia's in Arcadia, pictured from left to right Karen Cristi, owner of Magnolia's; Betty Mackie; Sheila Pierce and Melissa Stute, who is this year's fashion show chair. Photo courtesy of SMWC.
by Phyllis Chapman, posted 4/17/13
Sierra Madre Woman’s Club steps out for the 44th year with its fashion show and luncheon, Saturday, April 20th at 11:30am at Essick House, the club’s historic meeting place located at 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Melissa Stute is event chair.
Featured will be Karen Crisci, owner of the popular Magnolia Boutique, nearby in Arcadia, commenting on her beautiful line of fashions for every occasion, and unique accessories. Club members will model, and a delicious lunch will be served.
Tickets are $25.00 each, with proceeds added to the Club treasury for its annual generous philanthropic giving. For tickets or more information, please contact Sheila Pierce at 355-8332.