Sierra Madre Police Chief Marilyn Diaz Announces Retirement

After five years of service to the City of Sierra Madre, and a law enforcement career spanning 37 years, Police Chief Marilyn Diaz has announced her retirement at the end of this year. Chief Diaz’ 32 years of experience with the Pasadena Police Department, combined with her status as a long-time resident of Sierra Madre, provided her the unique combination of professionalism and community spirit necessary to deliver the highest quality of service to the community. 

During her tenure, Chief Diaz was instrumental in transforming the Police Department into the exemplary department that it is today. She focused on enhancing staff professionalism through extensive training in ethics, use of force, civil liability and safe field tactics; and she spearheaded the complete renovation of the Police Department’s evidence and property rooms. She also enhanced the Department’s ability to be proactive by innovatively using part-time sworn and non-sworn staff to provide better patrol coverage throughout the City and aid in follow-up investigations.  

Chief Diaz truly believed in community policing and implemented the first Police Chief’s Advisory Board, comprised of members of the community. 

Prior to coming to Sierra Madre, Chief Diaz spent 32 years serving on the Pasadena Police Department, leaving the Department with the rank of Commander. She earned her Master’s degree from the University of Southern California and Bachelors degree from California State University, Los Angeles.  Chief Diaz stated, “I have been honored and privileged to serve as Sierra Madre’s Police Chief. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such wonderful people in the Police Department and in our community.” 

SMPD Chief Marilyn Diaz chats with Buccaneer owner Gerri Fraser at Buccaneer 50th anniversary celebration in October, 2010

When asked what she would miss most with Chief Diaz’s retirement, City Manager Elaine Aguilar stated, “Mostly, I and the Sierra Madre community will miss seeing her walking into one of our local businesses, or stopping to talk to someone on the street, always providing the perfect example of community policing.   Everyone knows Marilyn Diaz as “Sierra Madre’s Police Chief” and I don’t think that’s going to change with her retirement!”

Although no specific date has been set, the Department is beginning to work on a transition plan in which Captain Larry Giannone will serve as Interim Chief.