Joke of the Day, 5/3/11

The old spinster was rocking on her front porch with her tomcat at her feet, when a good fairy suddenly appeared before her and offered her three wishes. “Aw, go on,” the little old lady said in disbelief, “if you can grant three wishes, let’s see you turn this rocking chair into a pile of gold?”

The good fairy waved her hand, and “poof”, the rocking chair turned into a pile of pure gold. Her face lighting up, the lady said “I really get two more wishes?”

“Yes”, the good fairy assured her. “Anything your heart desires.”

“Then make me into a beautiful, voluptuous young woman.” Another wave of her hand, and the wish was granted. “Finally, make my faithful old cat into a tall, dark and handsome young man.”

The good fairy waved her hand and disappeared as the third wish came true, and a handsome muscular young man stood where the tomcat had just been sleeping. The young man approached the once-old lady, took her in his arms and murmured…”Now, aren’t you sorry you sent me to the vet?”