Posted 5/24/15 – Non-race photos from yesterday’s event, including several shots that show who the sponsors are that deserve our appreciation.
- VFW Post 3208 Color Guard
- Long time participant Lono Tyson
- Post race beer garden
- Ditto
- Ditto 2
- Another beer garden shot
- Tom Brady posed by the banner after finishing the race
- As always, women of the SMWC cut up oranges for the runners
- Civic Club volunteers check the runners in
- Wilson the mule (he’s new, this year)
- Last year’s race starter, longtime race logistics manager Gary Hilliard
- The gent on the left was running for the 35th time, chatting with SMSR’s Susan McCreary and Lono Tyson
- Color Guard gets ready
- SMFD Chief Steve Heydorff, Mayor John Capoccia
- Civic Club volunteers
- Dan – Fountain to the Falls, and Mark – Verdugo Hills 10k from the inaugural 3-race Foothill Trail Challenge