(7/31/03) Editorial – Sierra Madre Villa Station of the Gold Line

The MTA has changed the name of the Sierra Madre Villa station to the East Pasadena station.  Business owners should be calling upon our City leaders to make an effort to reverse this decision, and expressing disappointment that not one request was made by our administrators/council members to prevent this change by the MTA.  Having the name Sierra Madre Villa for the station increases Sierra Madre visibility dramatically, and the City’s position was a wait and see position, rather than a pro-active position.  Waiting and seeing allowed the change to happen without so much as a whimper of protest.  This is free advertising, folks, the kind that we could never get by spending thousands a month on a PR firm.  Business owners, City Hall’s number is 355-7135, ask for Tito or Tammy.  It’s important that they start hearing from us, even after the fact, because their failure to become involved in this issue indicates that they didn’t recognize the importance of this action.