Press Release posted 6/19/22 – The Sierra Madre Civic Club announces this year’s recipients of their Community Grant awards. In one way or another, these organizations touch the lives of nearly everyone who lives in town. For instance, several departments in the City were granted funds for services that directly serve the community. Grants were also awarded to groups that serve our youth, seniors, the arts and that enrich our community experience.
Programs for our city’s kids received funds for various needs. Sierra Madre Little League received a grant toward its scholarship fund and the Girls’ Softball Association was granted funds for field maintenance. The Sierra Madre PTA received a grant for the Wolly Pocket Garden project at the elementary school, a project to bring back the traditional learning garden for the students. The Reading is Fundamental program was awarded a grant for children’s books, and the City of Sierra Madre received funding toward the Kid’s Fun Run.
In support of the arts, the Foothill Creative Arts Group was awarded a grant for a second grade art project and the Sierra Madre Playhouse was granted funds toward heating and air-conditioning upgrades.
Various City programs that provide services to the community were presented with grants. The Volunteer Fire Department was given a grant for its CERT (Certified Emergency Response Training) program which trains citizen volunteers to help in their neighborhoods in the event of a major emergency since first responders can’t be everywhere at once. CERT volunteers identify critical needs, properly search damaged buildings and provide emergency first aid until help can arrive.
The Sierra Madre City Library received a grant for its One City One Book Project, and the City was also provided a grant for audio-visual equipment for the Sierra Madre room at the Recreational Center at Sierra Vista Park. The Senior Lunch program at Hart House has a birthday celebration once a month for our senior folk and received a grant for supplies for the parties.
Organizations that provide support and relief for those who need a helping hand also received grants. The Convalescent Aid Society which provides free walkers, wheelchairs and other temporary medical devices free of charge was awarded a grant for durable medical equipment. Friends Indeed received a grant toward the Program Manager’s salary for their Women’s Room.
The Rose Float Association, a point of civic pride for us all, was awarded a grant for a new air compressor and the Sierra Madre Historical Archives received a grant for their Oral History Recording Digitalization project, a source of information and learning for generations to come.
In addition to the grants, the Sierra Madre Civic Club’s philanthropy committee provided donations to several organizations. The City’s rotunda at City Hall is maintained by the Civic Club and the Club donated funds for new plant material as well as holiday decorations. The Committee also made a “Partners” level donation to the Friends of the Library group, and supports the Halloween Window painting by providing the funding for window washing and clean up services.
Foothill Unity Center is also supported by funds donated by Civic Club members. In addition, the Club made donations to the food bank and for school clothing, as well as gifts for kids and families for the Angel Project at Christmas.
Philanthropy Co-chairmen Marcia Bent and Judy Webb-Martin would like to thank the citizens of Sierra Madre for their support and generosity that made these awards possible. They would also like to thank committee members Jacki Persing, Kathleen Coyne, Pat Krok, Jane Zamanzadeh, Judie Cimino, Suzanne Decker, Bonnie Gardner and Mary Beth Finnerty for all their work on the philanthropy committee.
Civic Club meets the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 at Hart House in Memorial Park. Visitors are welcome!