Letter to the Editor re: Downtown Marketing

Posted 6/24/12

To the Council and City Staff:

Re: Downtown Marketing

June 24, 2012

I am delighted to see the interest of the Council in attracting and retaining businesses in Sierra Madre.

I think the most powerful tool you can provide (in addition to what is being done) is testimonials from the owners of the Kensington Assisted Living Facility Project, Taylor’s Market, Fresh & Easy and possibly others to the effect that the City moved promptly to help them in every way including expediting their projects, approving their projects in an affirmative and welcoming spirit, making reasonable changes to previous rules if necessary to accommodate them, avoiding nitpicking applications of rules, being forthcoming with suggestions to avoid possible obstacles,  and avoiding excessive  hearings and other “back to the drawing board” practices that cause delay and drain investment money that should be invested in wages and inventory by diverting it into expenses of “process”.

If we cannot do this, neighboring cities will feast on our wasted opportunities.

Eric Olson, Sierra Madre