Jim Constantian holds one of the machines he will be presenting at the SMHPS program on July 19th at the Sierra Madre Library, a Victor Model Z from 1905. Photo courtesy of SMHPS, click to enlarge
Press Release posted 7/14/12 – Join the Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society (SMHPS) at their annual meeting for a lively program of early “talking machines” presented by James Constantian. He will share little known facts and interesting stories about early talking machines and phonographs, and play early recordings on machines dating back circa 1900 to 1930.
Mr. Constantian is a member of the Antique Phonograph Society. His collection currently has more than 100 vintage phonographs and talking machines. Constantian is a former resident of Sierra Madre and is active in the community, serving as historian for the Congregational Church. He has also been in no less than 28 Fourth of July parades in his fully restored Model A Ford pick-up.
SMHPS works to preserve the history of Sierra Madre through its Oral History Project, Archives and the conservation and preservation of the city’s two museums, Lizzie’s and Richardson House. It has also published the award winning book, Southern California Story; Seeking the Better Life in Sierra Madre
The Historical Preservation Society’s meeting and program will be held July 19th at 7:00 P.M. at the Sierra Madre Public Library. It is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.