
Sierra Madre News Net started in 1998 as SidebySlide.com.  I started taking pictures at Sierra Madre events in the hopes that people who wanted to see their pictures online (the world was a different place, back then, the internet was fairly new), would come to see them and while there, discover my company, which at the time was focused on PowerPoint presentations for weddings, anniversaries, and special occasions.

In 2000, I decided to concentrate on making the site a “news and information” source.  We started slowly, but grew to the point where we were averaging in excess of 55,000 visitor sessions per month.  Over the years, we’ve had periods where we have been more active than others, as the News Net is just one of several things I’m involved in.  But I try to keep things up to date as best I can, and now have nearly 4,000 pages on the site, with thousands of pictures and, more recently, lots of video as well.  Please drop by the site any time, and tell your friends about the News Net.  And remember, the Net may not catch everything, but the fishing’s half the fun, right?

Sierra Madre News Net
80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., #110
Sierra Madre, CA 91024

(626) 355-4972  Fax (626) 836-5926

13 Comments on "About/Contact"

  1. Janice Nelson | April 25, 2021 at 3:38 pm | Reply

    Hello. I am trying to recall the last name of Jan, who owned the Sierra Madre News, which I know is now defunct. I worked for Jan briefly many years ago. Do you know Jan’s last name? Thank you very much.

  2. Deborah Arnold | January 1, 2014 at 2:35 pm | Reply

    I wanted to print out the FLOAT/STORY from Sierra Madre and all it did was print the picture….Why not the story ? Thank you, Deborah

    • It prints for me. Unfortunately, without being able to see what your printing software settings are, all I could do is guess. Did you click on the headline, and go to the dedicated article page, so that none of the other articles were part of what it was being asked to print?

  3. Who is the Winner of Kids’ Fun Run T-shirt Design Contest 2013 ?

  4. Just checking if any updates on the status of the AT&T cell towers that were going up in Sierra Madre.

  5. Tessa Milward | March 17, 2013 at 10:53 am | Reply

    I was in a traffic accident Nov 30th 2012. I was the pedestrian, in an auto v/s pedestrian next to Kershing Court. I was told that it was mentioned in your paper. Do you have that, could you please e-mail it to me? My right leg required surgery, my collar bone was broken, and of course the driver was uninsured. I would appreciate it, thank you, Tessa.

  6. Terrific! Thank you so very much.

  7. Wow! Thanks. I am interested in a picture on page 7 of the Thurs. June 6th 1985 paper (oops I was off a year, sorry). It is of a group of women, and the title is “Pickfair” I am historian for our group and this is the only year that we don’t have a picture of our chapter at the British Home fundraising faire. Thanks for trying.

  8. I didn’t start SierraMadreNews.Net until 2000, although it was an extension of a site I had started in 1998, known as SidebySlide.com. If you are talking about the print edition, I know the lady who I believe was publisher at that time, and I think she sold all the archives with the paper to a publisher who later bankrupted it, and all archives disappeared. I’ll double check that. You might want to check with the library archivist though. I’m sure they have the paper on microfiche, and she might have a copy of the original paper that you could make a copy of. Can’t guarantee what kind of quality you will get that way, though. She also has a surprising number of original photos, you never know.

    Anyway, I’ll check with the former publisher. If she has something to say other than what I’ve posted here, I’ll post a follow-up here. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

  9. Is it possible to get a copy of a photograph that appeared in a 1986 issue?

  10. Thanks for the kind words. While I have traditionally limted ALL content on the site to Sierra Madre related, yours seems like a cause for which I can make one of my extremely rare exceptions. If you would like to get me additional information, I will see what I can do to help you get the word out.

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